Friday, February 09, 2007

Snow in Oxford

I woke up this morning and couldn't believe when I left my room to go to the shower...we had about 10cm of snow!

When I left the college I couldn't believe it, the whole city of Oxford was a massive snowball fight...15,000 students (well, maybe not all of them) throwing snowballs across the streets. Riding my bike on snow was difficult enough, but trying not to get hit by snowballs made getting to the business school an almost impossible task. Too bad I had a class that I needed to go to, otherwise I would have definitely joined the fight to support my college "army".

When I arrived at the business school, I wasn't sure if I was still sleeping and dreaming or if I was really awake.
Can you imagine 30 year old MBA students having more fun in the snow than little kids?! Snowball fights, building snowmen (with today's issue of the Financial Times in one hand), etc.
After a while I figured why they went crazy because of a little bit of snow. Most of the students from India, Thailand, Taiwan, etc. had never ever before seen snow in their lifes.
What an experience...for me AND for them!


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