Sunday, October 15, 2006


From today on, I am officially an Oxford student.
I have already had a week of classes, but until today I wasn't officially a student of the University of Oxford.
The ceremony itself was "quick & dirty", but it felt very orgasmic ;-)
We all had to wear our subfusc (which we also have to wear for exams), consisting of the cap, the gown, a white bow tie and a black suit. The place of the ceremony was the Sheldonian Theatre, a beautiful & very old building. So we were in the Sheldonian and the vice chancellor of the university conducted the matriculation in that was interesting...I didn't understand a word he said.
Anyways, it took about 10 minutes and now I am a student. Of course, we had to celebrate that with a beer at the famous King's Arms pub...

Later on (after a 4-hour-meeting with my study group) I went to a sexy subfusc BOP. It was fun, since most of the people tried to look sexy in their subfusc...basically by wearing nothing (maybe not nothing, but at least not much) under their gown, but I'm not going to show you any pictures of that event. Posted by Picasa


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